
1.1. Nominations
In order to participate the work must have been nominated by the Director/s of the programme you have taken. They can nominee a maximum of 1 candidate in those groups of works equal or less than 14 students; or a maximum of 2 candidates in groups of 15 or more students.

1.2. Accepting the candidatures
Each students or work group is free to accept or renounce the candidature. Accepting the candidature means the acceptance of these rules. When the project is done by more than one person, the participant or participants that submit the work must be co-authors of the selected project and must have the authorization of the rest of the co-authors to submit it for the Awards.

1.3. Formats and specifications
It is essential for the candidates to send their proposals following the indicated specifications below. Works that fail to fulfill them won’t be accepted.
Each candidature must submit a form with the basic data (project name, authors, belonging programme and summary of the project), together with the following material in digital format:

– Summary poster of the project on a vertical DIN A1 (PDF digital format in high resolution. Clear text).

– From 5 to 10 images in high resolution (JPG of 300 pixels per inch). Some or all these images will be spread through social networks and/or ELISAVA’s website and could be sent to the media, according to the point 5 and 6 of these rules. If the nominated project is pending on patenting or any other circumstance impedes its public spreading, it must be clearly said when sending the materials. In this case, the nominated project won’t be able to participate in the Audience Award, but it will be privately evaluated by the jury for the rest of the Awards.

The sent documents must be named in the following way:




Moreover, the candidates will be able to submit all complementary materials they think are convenient for the correct comprehension and presentation of their project. Any kind of format or creative expression (video, prototype, mock-up, app, etc.) can be used.

The jury will evaluate and qualify ALL submitted material.

1.4. Delivery of the proposals

Deadline: It will be decided and announced at the appropriate time in each edition. The subsequent delivery to this date will mean the disqualification of the project.

Form, poster and images that must be sent:
a) Through the WeTransfer platform in an e-mail to or b) in a USB (or DVD or CD duly labeled), inside a closed envelope to the attention of “Premios ELISAVA Professional Edition” and handing it over in person at the Communication Department.
All possible complementary material, duly packed and labeled, must be handed over in person at the Communication Department.

Timetable and place for the deliveries in person:
Only from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. at the Communication Department of ELISAVA (1st floor, in front of the Academic Management Unit)

1.5. Selection and exhibition of the projects
In order to participate, candidates must give the Dpt. of Communication the necessary materials for its exhibition, according to what is established on these rules, being the School the one that will decide how to exhibit each project. If this requirement is not obeyed, the candidature could be denied. All exhibition costs of the projects will be borne by the School.

Entendiendo la interdisciplinariedad de nuestros programas, todos los proyectos presentados participarán bajo una misma categoría. Estos no serán evaluados bajo parámetros de tema, programa o área académica, sino que todos ellos serán valorados por el jurado bajo los parámetros especificados en el siguiente apartado.
The jury of ELISAVA Professional Edition Awards will value the submitted proposals according to their adaptation to the creativity, conceptualization, innovation, formal originality, enterprising ability and contribution to the society criteria, as well as their final presentation.
The jury will be formed by some ELISAVA representative/s and professionals who are not related to the School and have a renowned career path in the design and communication sector.

The jury of the ELISAVA Professional Edition Awards will evaluate the submitted proposals and will issue an argumentative agreement to name the winning projects. The jury can declare the call void if it deems this to be appropriate.

Among all submitted projects, four Awards will be given (1 gold and 3 silvers), which consist on a trophy and a diploma.

Furthermore, an Audience Award will be given to the most-voted project through a raffle, mediated through an app on the social networks of ELISAVA.

The names of the winners will be made public and will be given during the Master and Postgraduate Graduation Party that takes place during the month of July. It’s an event in which are invited all students that end their programme on this date, as well as the students already nominated to the Awards in the February edition of the Master and Postgraduate Graduation Party. The event can also be followed via streaming.

ELISAVA foresees the communication and dissemination of the finalist projects and the awarded projects in specialized media of the sector, as well as through the Schools’ media. The possibility of spreading them in advertising spaces is also considered, always in relation to the academic programmes developed at the School.

All nominated project will be part of the ELISAVA Professional Edition Awards, which the School annually organizes to get to know the work of the students. The project will also be exhibited and promoted in those corporative spaces or in other entities if the School considers it convenient.