Far Away, So Close
Authors: Tiago Rosado, Dalia Al-Akki, Jana Antoun, Juan Arizti, Assil Naji, Marta Borreguero, Elena Caubet, Inés Fernandez, Tanvi Gupta, Stephanie Ibrahim, Tracy Jabbour, Yunling Jin, Jad Karam, Selen Kurt, Alexa Nader, Joelle Nader, Mokshuda Narula, Eirini Sampani, Kuan Yi Wu, Montserrat Sevilla y Brentsen Solomon
Drawing on the transformations of interpersonal relationships brought about the outbreak of COVID-19, “Far Away, So Close” proposes a new dynamic for relating in collective space that harnesses physical distance as a factor for activating and intensifying intimate relationships. A series of mobile sound mirrors installed in public space engender different modes of interaction through the logic of play: a giant game of Chinese whispers; a concert where the music is heard on separate tracks; a personal message conveyed across a crowded square; or whispering a secret from 20 metres away -intimate experiences made magical by distance. “Far Away, So Close” understands the social distancing implemented in response to the pandemic as an opportunity to create interaction instead of isolation.