2016 Edition

The 3rd edition of the ELISAVA Professional Edition Awards, given by the entity with the aim to award excellence, creativity and rigour of the best projects by the students of the Master and Postgraduate of the School, has had a very positive reception.

The Jury of the 3rd edition of the ELISAVA Professional Edition Awards, gathered together in July 5th 2016, was formed by the following members:

  • Antoni Clariana
    Magma Design S.L.
    Founder and CEO Magma Design S.L.
  • Josep Bagà
    Josep Bagà Associats
    CEO in Josep Bagà Associats
  • Roberta Bosco
    El País
    Journailst at El País, specialized in contemporary art and new media
  • Ramon Benedito
    General Director of ELISAVA
  • Santiago Albert
    Director of ELISAVA’s Master and Postgraduate programmes